Friday, October 31, 2008

May KALs

Below are the Knit a Longs (KALs) for May 2008:

The first cloth is called Wedding Bands and can be found at Gimpy Kat's blog.

The second one is called Every Day Any Day.

I think this second one would be pretty as a doily. ;)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bunny Illusion Cloth

I am way behind on posting pictures of my dishcloth knitting. Time to catch up!

This cloth is an illusion cloth. If you look at it straight on you really just see stripes ...

But, if you look at it at an angle, you see an adorable bunny! (below)

This pattern can be found at LaurasKnits. It's much easier than it looks. Don't be scared. lol